sábado, 6 de abril de 2024


The concept of airmanship is essential in aviation, encompassing a wide range of behaviors and abilities that contribute to safe and effective flight. Let’s delve into the details:


Airmanship is a comprehensive quality that covers all aspects of flight, including control, navigation, awareness, and decision-making.

It goes beyond mere technical skill or technique; it also reflects a pilot’s understanding of the aircraft, the operating environment, and their own capabilities.

According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), airmanship involves:

Sound knowledge of flight principles.

The ability to operate an aircraft with competence and precision both on the ground and in the air.

The application of sound judgment for optimal operational safety and efficiency1.

The United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) describes airmanship as a somewhat controversial and vague expression, conveying aviation “common sense.” It’s gained through exposure to experiences, advice from other aviators, understanding rules and procedures, and a healthy dose of self-preservation1.


Student pilots are taught the mantra: “Aviate, Navigate, Communicate.”

Aviate: Keep the aircraft flying, avoiding loss of control or controlled flight into terrain.

Navigate: Verify location and head toward a suitable destination.

Communicate: Interaction with air traffic control or other planes is the lowest priority during emergencies1.

Historical Example:

Captain Alfred C. Haynes and the crew of United Airlines Flight 232 demonstrated remarkable airmanship in July 1989.

After losing all flight controls due to an engine failure, they improvised a control scheme using differential engine thrust on the two working engines, successfully executing a survivable “controlled crash” in Sioux City, Iowa1.

In summary, airmanship combines skill, knowledge, and judgment to ensure safe and effective flight operations. 

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