viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

La web un invento maravilloso para enseñar


·         Private Pilot Airplane - Flight Instruments - ASA (Aviation Supplies & Academics)

 ·         Private Pilot Airplane - Navigation - ASA (Aviation Supplies & Academics)

·         Instrument Rating Airplane - Navigation - ASA (Aviation Supplies & Academic

·         Instrument Rating Airplane - Navigation - ASA (Aviation Supplies & Academic

·         PPL - Instrument Flying

·         Pitot Static Systems

·         Instrument Flying (Primary and Supporting Instruments)

·         The Flight Panel - Understand Your Aircraft

·         Gyroscopes in the Cockpit

·         Flight Instrument - gyro - Turn Coordinator

·         Flight Instrument - Pressure Instruments – Altitudes

·         Flight Instrument - gyro - Heading Indicator

·         Flight Instrument - Pressure Instruments - Pitot-Static

·         Aviation Safety's Slip/Skid Lesson


·         Analysis of a Pitot TubeAnalysis of a Pitot Tube

·         Pitot Static Problems - Day 11 #31DaySPC

·         PITOT TUBE +

·         Airspeed Indicator Markings

·         Air Speed Indicator

·         Basic VOR Tutorial

·         Aviation Animation - Using VORs

·         VOR Navigation Made Easy

·         VOR DME Approach Part 1 of 2

·         Escuela de Vuelo Patosa - #1 | Instrumentos , Controles y Por qué vuela un avión

·         Escuela de Vuelo Patosa - #2 | Puesta en marcha, Rodaje y Despegue

·         Escuela de Vuelo Patosa - #3 | Maniobras básicas, Técnica de vuelo

·         Escuela de Vuelo Patosa - #4 | Uso del GPS y del Piloto Automático

·         Escuela de Vuelo Patosa - #5 | Qué es IVAO y cómo unirse a IVAO

·         Escuela de Vuelo Patosa - #6 | Como descargar e intalar IVAO (IVAP e IVAE)

·         Escuela de Vuelo Patosa - #7 | Plan de Vuelo Visual [VFR] | IVAO.

·         Escuela de Vuelo Patosa - #8 | Vuelo VFR | Tomas y despegues | Práctica de    comunicaciones

·         Clases de vuelo con Loquendo 3er sesión 1/2 (aeropuertos)

·         Clases magistrales de vuelo: el despegue

·         Curso de intruccion de vuelo clase N 1

·         Curso de intruccion de vuelo clase N 2

·         Curso de intruccion de vuelo clase N 3

·         Curso de intruccion de vuelo clase N 4

·         Curso de intruccion de vuelo clase N 5

·         Escuelita de Nosferatu. Nivel 1 Clase 1

·         Escuelita de Nosferatu - Nivel 1 clase 2

·         Escuelita de Nosferatu - Nivel 1 Clase 3

·         Escuelita de Nosferatu. Nivel 1 Clase 4

·         Aprendiendo a aterrizar

·         Stabilized Approaches

·         Commercial Chandelles

·         Steep Turns

·         (VIDEO 2) Normal Approach and Landing

·         (VIDEO 1) The Holding Pattern

·         (Video 1) Checklist Procedures and Resource Management

·         (VIDEO 1 of 2) Faulty Approaches: Timing

·         VFR Departure Ground Track

·         (Video 4 - END) Checklist Procedures and Resource Management

·         Commercial Steep Turns

·         (Video 2) The Emergency Approach and Landing

·         (VIDEO 1) Faulty Approaches: Energy Management

·         Precision Instrument Approaches

·         (VIDEO 2) The Holding Pattern

·         Steep Spirals

·         (VIDEO 2) Non-Precision Approaches

·         Faulty Approaches: Crosswind Considerations

·         (VIDEO 1) Wake Turbulence Avoidance

·         (VIDEO 2 of 2) Soft Field Approach and Landing

·         (VIDEO 1) Non-Precision Approaches

·         (VIDEO 1 of 2) Configuration Demonstration

·         Chandelles

·         (Video 3) Checklist Procedures and Resource Management

·         Lazy Eights

·         Say Hello to the New Cessna

·         (VIDEO 2) Wake Turbulence Avoidance

·         (VIDEO 1)Normal Approach and Landing

·         (Video 2) Checklist Procedures and Resource Management

·         Helicopters!

·         (VIDEO 1 of 2) The Airport Traffic Pattern

·         We'll See You Up Here!

·         (Video 3 - END) The Emergency Approach and Landing

·         Runway Tail-Strike Risk

·         (VIDEO 2 of 2) Faulty Approaches: Timing

·         (VIDEO 3) Non-Precision Approaches

·         (Video 1)The Emergency Approach and Landing

·         Spin Awareness Training

·         (VIDEO 1 of 2) Soft Field Approach and Landing

·         Eights On Pylons

·         Faulty Approaches: Nose-wheel Hazards

·         (VIDEO 2) Faulty Approaches: Energy Management

·         (Video 2 of 2) Configuration Demonstration

·         UND Aerobatics: You're Next!

·         Holding Pattern Entries Made Easy

·         Holding Patterns 101

·         OBXFLIGHT: Holding Patterns

·         Holding Entries

·         Center the OBS

·         The Flight Panel - Understand Your Aircraft

·         Cessna 172 pilot with no training, no hours, only flight simulator experience. Takeoff

·         Cessna 172 spin recovery

·         aterrizaje de emergencia cessna 172 XB-KMU

·         Private Pilot Oral Exam

·         G1000 Garmin Tutorial

·         Cessna 182 Engine Failure - Crash Landing

·         Basic VOR Tutorial

·         Aviation Animation - How an ILS Instrument Landing System works – complete

·         Instrument Flight Tutorial: ILS Approach no 1

·         ILS Approach Tutorial - Part 1: GPS

·         ILS Approach Tutorial - Part 2: Localizer and Final Approach

·         ILS Approach Tutorial - Part 3: Short Final and Landing

·         VFR Airport Approach Procedures Tutorial - Part 1 (MSFS ONLY)

·         VOR DME Approach Part 1 of 2

·         ILS Approach PART 1

·         ILS Approach PART 2

·         ADF Tracking Demonstration

·         VOR Approach PART 1

·         VOR Approach PART 2

·         IFR/IMC Departure and Approach (Part 1)

·         IFR/IMC Departure and Approach (Part 2)

·         IFR/IMC Departure and Approach (Part 3)

·         Holding Pattern and Procedure Turns Tutorial (MSFS) - Part 2 of 2

·         VOR DME Approach Part 1 of 2

·         How to... Fly a DME arc (part1)

·         Instrument Rating Airplane - Navigation - ASA (Aviation Supplies & Academics)

·         Private Pilot Airplane - Navigation - ASA (Aviation Supplies & Academics)

·         Private Pilot Airplane - Communication Procedures - ASA (Aviation Supplies & Academics)

·         Secrets to Your Private Pilot Checkride

·         Flight Training - Radio Communication with ATC

·         Must See for Student Pilots!! - Flight Training Video Course

·         How to Fly A Plane - Cessna 172 Engine Start

·         Cessna 172 Cockpit Tutorial

·         home cockpit vr insight Propit; Cessna 182 RG2 carenado first test

·         Pitot Static Problems - Day 11 #31DaySPC

·         Pitot Static Systems

·         Airspeed Indicator Markings

·         Vacuum Systems

·         Gyroscopes in the Cockpit

·         Turn Rate Indicator

·         Ingles Aeronautico en Español. Numeros

·         Fraseología Aeronáutica

·         Aviation English lesson-air traffic control


·         Aviation English lesson-air traffic control

·         Aviation English Runway Incursion

·         Aviation English Video Comprehension Part 2

·         FREE Aviation English Lesson part 1

·         Introduction To Aviation English (Part 1)

·         Single Pilot CRM

·         Top 5 Mistakes Pilots Make - Part 1

·         Top 5 Mistakes Pilots Make - Part 2

·         Weather

·         Aeronautical Decision Making

·         How Airplanes Fly

·         Navigation Using a VOR

·         Conceptos elementales de Navegación por VOR

·         #Curso Virtual VFR / PPL Parte 6A Navegacion VOR, NDB (Español)

·         The Art of flaring

·         Good Crosswind Takeoffs - KING SCHOOLS Video

·         ILS Definitions - KING SCHOOLS Video

·         Pressure Altitude: Why is it important? - KING SCHOOLS Video

·         Pressure Altitude

·         Crosswind Landing: Using aileron after touchdown - KING SCHOOLS Video

·         Landing: When do you retract flaps? - KING SCHOOLS Video

·         Crosswind Takeoffs and Landings

·         Top 10 Airplane Crosswind Landings B747 A330 A380

·         Birds vs Planes

·         10 Worlds Most Dangerous Airports

·         10 Most Extreme Airports [HD]

·         Listen Up, Read Back, Fly Right - FAA Safety Video

·         FAA Safety Video

·         Top 5 Mistakes Pilots Make (2008)

·         Disorientation (1973)

·         Surviving On Open Water - FAA Aircrew Survival

·         Spatial Disorientation - Physiology of Flight

·         Initial Briefing - FAA briefing example from "Was That For Us?"

·         Airtime : CRM Safety Video produced by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Australia

·         FAA Safety Video, "Grounded" - A story of Fatigue

·         FAA Fuel Management Video

·         Cessna 182 Engine Failure - Crash Landing

·         Basic Instrument Flying.wmv

·         Cessna 172 S NAVIII G1000 Prevuelo

·         Cessna 172S NAVIII G1000 Resumen.wmv

·         G1000 Garmin Tutorial

·         Cessna 172 NAVIII Parada Motor.wmv

·         Cessna 172 NAV III (G1000) Localizer Back Course Approach at Melbourne, FL

·         Training Flight in Cessna 172

·         Flight Planning with the G1000 Glass Cockpit Training Video

·         Flying the GPS with Ease - Part One

·         Tema: Sistema de aterrizaje instrumental

·         Brand New Cessna 172 G1000

·         Sporty's Garmin G1000 Checkout Course

·         Garmin G1000 Tutorial: Controls

·         Garmin G1000 Tutorial: NAV Operation

·         Garmin G1000 Tutorial: MFD Functionality

·         Video tutorial Garmin G1000 Part1.1 PFD

·         Garmin G1000 Tutorial: Com Tuning

·         G1000 GARMIN

·         Master the G1000 and Save Money

·         Garmin G1000 Tutorial-For FSX

·         Sporty's Garmin G1000 Checkout Course

·         G1000 Garmin Tutorial

·         Garmin G1000 Tutorial: Startup

·         Garmin G1000 VNAV Basics

·         Garmin G1000 Tutorial: Supplemental Flight Data

·         Private Pilot Airplane - Communication Procedures - ASA (Aviation Supplies 

·         Air France Flight 447 Recreation *UPDATED*

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